SwoleMate Stories to Swoon Over

Happy Valentine’s, Galentine’s, or Bromancery Day! Whatever you celebrate, we asked you to submit your best #SwoleMate stories. Check out the top five selections!

A Whole New Meaning to WOD

Maegan Musanti met Abby, her now wife, through her CrossFit coach. She belonged to a different gym, but fate found the two at a local competition, tents next to one another. Ever since that weekend, they were inseparable. CrossFit was naturally a major part of their blossoming relationship. 3 years later, they were attending the same 6:30pm class on the daily. Maegan knew she wanted to propose, but wasn’t sure how. Neither of them had an affinity for jewelry, but Abby had been wishing for a pink barbell for forever. The perfect nontraditional ring: a pink barbell engraved with “Marry Me”. One night, when they walked into class, the barbell was perched on the rig. Abby spun it around to reveal the “Marry Me” and turned around to Maegan down on one knee. 

In 2022, they had the ultimate CrossFit wedding, or WOD (Wedding of the Day). The couple sported matching NoBull sneakers, their coach officiated the “I do’s”, and the “guestbook” consisted of two white Rogue training weight plates. The seating chart featured tables of prominent brands, including a “Team FITAID” table. To top it off: they honeymooned at the Rogue Invitational, boasting a poster that tons of athletes signed & snuck a cameo in a Buttery Bros video.

Besties for the Resties

How many bachelorette parties have you been to that have a Spartan Race on the itinerary? Lauren Hammer can proudly put a finger down for that one… thanks to her sister. Lauren can also thank her sister for introducing her to Jess. This BFF pairing hadn’t talked much before the big bachelorette mud-bash, but it jumpstarted their swolemance. It was Lauren’s first obstacle course race and she was extremely nervous. Jess eased Lauren’s nerves as they made their way to Boston for the event. Lauren ended up having amazing time, and she got hooked.

Lauren began to do more races, Jess always racing by her side. Post-grad, Lauren asked Jess if she thought CrossFit would be a good fit for her. Jess brought Lauren to her very first class and there was no turning back! 4 years later and they’re still an unbreakable duo. Sometimes, Jess will get Lauren laughing so hard she’ll have to take her inhaler. Who needs romance when you get to workout with your best friend everyday?!

Can I get extra guac & your number?

This pair didn’t find love in the gym, but they DID find love in the Chipotle line (isn’t that every introverts dream?!). Jay and Kelvie have been together for 13 years, 10 as husband and wife. They transformed themselves from two unhealthy, broken humans to opening and operating their own CrossFit gym, Mission Barbell Club, together.

The meet cute began when Kelvie cut Jay in line. He was a man in uniform – naturally, Kelvie assumed the burritos just had security. When the lined moved up, she quickly realized what she had done. By the time they got to checkout, Jay had charmed his number into her phone. The rest was history!

They got married in 2014, the same year Jay decided to quit smoking cold turkey after 20 years. He replaced the addiction with running, and in the winter months he took up CrossFit training. He began to coach, and when he retired from 30 years in law enforcement, the couple opened up their gym in the same city they had met in.

Next time someone cuts you in line, don’t gripe – it might just be your forever swolemate.

Early Bird Gets the Worm

A 5am workout class means you’re rolling out of bed while it’s still dark outside. You’re all their to get your workout in and then shuffle off to work, socializing isn’t on the top of your list. Peyton felt the same when she joined a CrossFit gym and became a 5 am-goer. She was paired up with this guy a handful of times for partner workouts.

It was “a lot of fist bumps, ‘have a good day’ fair wells, and small talk” until… The Open. Friday Night Lights worked it’s magic and set a spark aflame (must have been all of that fire breather energy…). Two years of dating later, they’ve officially bought a house together. The 5am’ers are now 5pm’ers, but meeting in the morning class will always hold a special place in their hearts. The Open now serves as their annual reminder to shoot your shot with your gym crush ❤️.

Will you be cheering your swolemate on this Open season? Spice it up and throw a wager on the table – how about, whoever loses the workout has to cook dinner? Winner gets a massage?

Love Abroad

Five years ago, Dani decided to study abroad in Finland. She had just finished playing collegiate volleyball and had a desire to see the world. While abroad, she attended a local CrossFit box in Joensuu. At the box, she kept bumping into the same guy. Dani described him as a tall, sweet Dutch guy who happened to also be studying abroad (and her type… as a volleyball player, his height made him cuter 😉).

They got to talking and made plans to workout together. Eventually, it escalated into going on dates. They originally planned on going separate ways once the semester concluded, but after a couple of weeks, he declared he was going to buy a plane ticket to America after they left Finland. Sure enough, she received a photo of plane ticket that very day. This swolemate story sounds like it needs to be made into a movie.

Thank you for sharing your stories with us! We loved hearing about all of your swolemates. We wish nothing but the best for you and them. Keep your heart healthy and shop our Valentine’s Day special on LIFEAID Thrive with code V25 at checkout! Valid until 2/14/24 only.

SwoleMate Stories to Swoon Over Happy Valentine’s, Galentine’s, or Bromancery Day! Whatever you celebrate, we asked you to submit your best #SwoleMate stories. Check out the top five selections! A Whole New Meaning to WOD Maegan Musanti met Abby, her now wife, through her CrossFit coach. She belonged to a different gym, but fate found […]